March 16, 2014

Go as far as you can for your love !!!

Is it good to travel extra mile for someone you love? How much extra mile you can or should travel? What are the implications of these extra steps?

So many questions kept arising in my mind... And complexities kept increasing as I thought more.

Everyone love someone and someone even does not know if they love anyone. But do one need to travel far to get closer to one's loved one?  Some of the situations which came to my mind made me feel, its not that easy to go too far.Lets think it from not just our perspective and say that "I will bring stars from the sky for my love" ...bla blah blah...

If you can't stay away from your love, just catch all the various means and reach him/her.If you can, "JUST FLY" and get closer. "Distance" & "Love" doesn't go well together for an ordinary men, its for the BOLD.

  • Before you go far for someone you love, you have to know your love. To know your love you need to love many things. Even though we don't realize it so easily, but still we love so many things like our parents, our memories, our friends, nation, religion, work and so many things including loving our-self.

Lets take an example of Army Men.

Army Men's love and how far they go for their love :- 

An army men have love for his nation, his compatriots, his family and many other things. They may seem far in miles (distance), but they are much closer in terms of love (Heart).They are more likely to understand the true meaning of love. They go far for their love:
  • They stay far from their loved ones (family) to save another loved one (their motherland). They guard our boundaries and protect all the people / citizens of the nation.

  • When they are far from their family, they are really far. Most of them can't just reach & see their family even from a distance. They just can't do video chat like most of us do.
  • Sacrificing safety of their own family when guarding that of other's family.

  • Missing the most important events of their life. Sometimes even their child's birth and most importantly all the memories which can be cherished for life long.
  • Sacrificing their own life, for our motherland's future at the same time risking the future of their own family.


I Salute the Army Men, their love & their Family !!! I Salute our Motherland !!!

This entry is part of contest from & British Airways.

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